Picton Buslines’ Trip Planner

Search for your best possible travel route using the trip planner below.

PDF Timetable

You can access the Picton Buslines’ timetable below in PDF form, all routes and times are up to date unless otherwise specified.

All regular timetabled passenger services are serviced by fully accessible buses.

Ticketing and Fares

Picton Buslines’ contract is outside the Sydney Metro Opal Card area so we are unable to accept Opal Card. You will need to purchase a ticket from the driver with a cash only payment. Please assist the driver by having the correct fare or small change ready.

News & Updates

WE ARE HIRING – Part-Time and Casual Bus Drivers

Are you looking for work in the Wollondilly region? We are seeking bus drivers for either regular part-time work or on a less regular call-in casual basis. Picton Buslines is a dynamic, long established bus operator in the growth area on the south western outskirts of Sydney.